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Travel Made Easier

I am a list person. Yeah, I those of you 
who aren't, it's, "Really? ... Another list?" 

But, to those of you who are fellow list makers, 
I do believe I hear applause in the background ; D

I love the quote at the bottom because it is SOOO true...

"Bring half of what you think you need, 
and twice as much money!"


Interesting article about traveling light.

I've never tried traveling this light!  However, I do HIGHLY 
recommend traveling with as small a carry-on as possible.

This is a great video on how to do that:


Ran across this in Pinterest and thought it was a great item to share. 

Sometimes when you get back from a trip you think, 
"Surely a took more pictures than this??!!" 

By following this checklist, you'll have a full accounting 
of all those memories in a version that you can share 
with others and look back on for years to come. 

Makes journaling/scrapbooking/blogging so much easier,too!

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